To work together

ACCESSGREEN works with Management Companies that have decided to make changes to help tackle the climate emergency declared by the government in 2019.

UN Sustainability Goals Chart

By selecting one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, we all have a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.

All stakeholders and users of the bin store are asked to sign up to social contract.

The Social Contract

Our community is focusing on Goal #12 – Responsible Consumption and Production

The management company has agreed to work with ACCESSGREEN to help reduce the amount of waste produced by the community. 

ACCESSGREEN makes the following commitment to you as residents and owners.

  • We will communicate clearly with you
  • We will monitor and enforce the bin store rules.
  • We will help all parties make the bin store clean, efficient and safe to use.

There are a few ways you can help achieve Goal #12 as a resident and a consumer. All users of the bin store, including residents, agree to:

  1. Try to reduce your waste
  2. Avoid contaminating the recycling bins.
  3. Abide by the house rules in relation to the facilities.

You can learn more about what you can do by visiting: 

By clicking “Complete the Course” you will be joining the rest of your community as we all try to reduce our waste and have a cleaner, greener bin store.

ACCESSGREEN will be in contact with you once your details have been verified. We will share the house rules with you then or you can request them from us using the contact us page.